1st STOP:Ok it started at the Most Unlucky ones car club show in SLC.
It was pretty small but had a good vibe and we ran into some good friends that i haven't seen in a min.
2nd STOP: Then it was off to our second stop and second show put on by the Barons MC. We had such a good time kicking it at the Barbary with these dude, they put on a great event. We met some real cool people and ate some amazing pulled pork. Listened to some good live music and bullshitted with the men.

Check out this Drag Sporty with a air shifter. Shit was so Solid, I will build one and i will drive the machine on the streets.
Sand Man and Davie Guns
CID trying to keep up after a morning of misfitting.
Sid and i entered into the Barons MC show didn't expect much but we went home with a Trophy, And some plaques.
Some LDM and Barons brothers.
3rd STOP. And on to Dirty Rat chopper shop.
One of Billy Lanes O.G. bikes. Not my style but i can DIG It. This Rig has so much detail and craftsmanship its unbelievable.
some really fun stuff up in there, Lots of new and old school stuff.
Grim was there in full effect. Shaun is a solid dude that I love to talk to and pick his brain.
Cris Graves was in the house and on his machined machine.Rad dude that is always fun to be around and ride with. This dude has built so many sick bikes.
And when you see wild and crazy bikes like the ones below you know SFK is around. Straight up cool ass dudes and especially the man him self Simon. You would know SFK for there willingness to chop what you got and come up with some all around crazy and unique scoots. And especially one of his most recent and now famous build for Lizard King.
So after three shows, four Bars, and only one brake down witch was just a small wire issue we had one hell of a day and a great time riding with my Misfit homies. Thanks for a great day, we all needed it.
Sweet ass pics! ur like a camera assassin with that camera.Good shit keep it up!