Joe's Bike

Misfit Racing

The Pan Cake

Two of our good
homies from Ogden,
UT have been putting in long ours for the past few months and it showed at the 2011 Parts Plus Auto Rama.
Sid has been working super hard on all 5,
completely custom bikes. All of them
having a completely
different look, feel, and stance. From Custom building his hard tail frames and converting Joe's brand new
Nightster to a single twisted down tube
frame and building a drop seat frame. And doing Motor work like 1200cc conversions and building a custom V
twin into a Pan Replica, this kid did it all.
Then there is are humble Adam from
Time Warp Custom Paint, He
Knocked out the most amazing paint jobs with Tons of Flake in three
different sizes, and quarts of Candy paint and Hours of sanding, buffing and Stripping and Clearing. Great work guys, hopefully you come home with some Trophies tonight!